Invert Class Day 6

Mantra: I am powerful
Tips: I want to repeat again how to safely exit, slide down if you’re new to Inverts or if you’re more experienced and have the skills and strength you can use the Inverted Crucifix to come into Reverse handstand or Thigh slide down. You could also use a push grip once you’re strong enough. Never flop down! Not only does flopping down lack control and presents as novice, it places too much strain on your back and feet. It also creates a neurological pattern of bailing or falling out of tricks instead of moving with control and purpose.
Question: How are you feeling about the last day tomorrow? Exited, worried, bored?
Homework: In your journal today, write down how you’re feeling, then check these feelings to see if they’re truth (facts) or “stories” that stem from fears. If you realize it is a story see if you can identify where this idea came from. If not, that’s ok don’t dwell, just acknowledge the thought and let it go.
If you need to pause the video at anytime to practice more or have a look at a related tutorial to learn more tips for an exercise or trick go for it.
Here’s a list of direct links for some of the more challenging tricks, exercises and stretches used.
Hi Veena, whenever I do the side pole hold and then boost my leg up to hook..the pole slips from my armpit and bangs painfully into my hip. It is happening both sides, not sure how to stop it- Just seem to happen as soon as I boost my outside leg up.
But yay from standing, I was able to invert with my left leg! Not gracefully lol still, Im so happy! My right leg is miles away though!!
It’s hard to say without seeing it but I’m guessing it’s just the force of you trying to get the leg up that’s shifting you out of position because you’re still working on your strength. It’s not easier to invert from the floor, it just allows you to focus on the upper body, don’t stress if it doesn’t work for you if things are going well from standing. You can always share a video with me and I can more easily troubleshoot. 💜
Answer to Q- A little nervous, I experienced a lot of emotions doing this- I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it- especially when I kept banging my hip from the side hold…and yet I was able to then invert and I think I also had my inverted crucifix too (!) Talk about a roller coaster of self doubt and then happiness 🙂 I think the reason I feel nervous is because it exposes alot about myself and how I handle learning new things by doing these challenging lessons, but I love them and I really enjoy and trust learning from you- thank you for all the time you took putting these together <3
That’s great news!! It really is helpful to take things as they come instead of letting our thoughts create stress. Trust the process you got this!!!!
I’m excited about the last day. I’ve learned so much so far. I’m going to start 30 day invert & beginner level 2 when I’m done with this 7 day invert classroom.
My ham strings hurt more today than yesterday. I need to remember to bring my hip inward when lifting my leg.
Proud of my progress.
That last try was great! I think you’ll find the invert class will be easier once you finish the next program. You’re doing great.