Inter 1 Day 10

Day 10. Today you’ll work on a few spins and you’ll give the spin dismount a try! First start by warming up with the Shoulder conditioning routine. You may use static or spinning pole for the spins listed, if you’re using a spinning pole to do the Pole hold spin, understand this will require more strength than the static version. Please make sure to take some time between the spins so you don’t get too dizzy or sick. While you’re resting between spins you can stretch the forearms, hands and fingers!
Spin dismount 3-5 times, both sides, but no more than 10 times total.
Pole hold spin 3-4 times, both directions
Front hook spin 3-4 times, both directions
Side spin 3-4 times, both directions
Reverse side spin 3-4 times, both directions
Flowmotion reverse bridge 2 rounds
Forearm flexor stretch Hold for 30 seconds, making sure to be gentle.
Finger and hand stretch Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Hi! I can do handstand from invert and from the floor but the Spin Dismount is still too difficult to me because I need to practice the straddle on handstand and to find the courage to let my hips fall aside :-))
Good plan and remember that a staddle the hips rotate so the knees face the floor.
Oh! thank you!!
Hmmm the spin dismount was so confusing for me once I got into trying it. I’ve watched the video over and over and it makes absolute sense except once I’m upside down 🤣 should I think of this as if I were trying to go into a gemini? I feel like I’m trying to get into a dolphin instead (I might be spinning in the opposite direction?)
Yes, it’s like a Gemini. Remember tho, I add in moves that are just for fun too. This dismount isn’t something you have to do. If you don’t get it it’s not a big deal.