Day 8 Level 1

Today after warming up with the Pole strength routine it’s time for Side sits and Easy up! If you’ve never tried either of these moves, don’t worry if you don’t get them right away. We’ll do them later on as well. You can see the descriptions and related tutorials to work on to achieve the Side sit and Easy ups by clicking on the pink text for direct links.
Give the Side sit 5 tries each side. For the Easy ups give each of the Split grip variations a try. Then pick one that feels easiest and work on that, 5 times each side. Hold your stretches Press stretch, Forearm extensor stretch and Forearm Flexor stretch for 60 seconds.
Another fun day! I love the pace of this. Makes me keep wanting to try and not say I’m not strong enough. A lot of pole moves are intimidating. These moves are challenging without being overly intimidating where I wouldn’t even attempt them. I absolutely cannot believe how strong I’m getting and more graceful because my confidence is increasing.
That’s awesome to hear! Do you think adding intermediate programs like this would be helpful?
Absolutely!! So far I love the levels format. It’s easy to follow. No day is super overwhelming and it’s a great motivator to see myself move up in levels. I’m still on Level 1 but I know I will soon be level 2 and so on and that allows me to have a goal to work towards.
Good to know!!!
As a fairly experienced pole dancer (but mostly self taught) I decided to go back to the beginning and follow the levels, I’m glad I did, I’ve picked up enough pointers to tidy up my form in just the first week, so worthwhile revisiting the basics for me, thank you Veena!
That’s great! 💜💜
Looking for some words of encouragement… today I’m on around my 6th week of pole and I feel like I’m going backwards. I was able to “semi comfortably†do pole sits and now I’m back to sheer eye watering pain again. It’s really knocking my confidence as I feel like I’m not really progressing. Am I putting too much pressure on myself or should it be reasonable to think this should be a simple task by now … sorry for the negativity guys it’s tough because I do all my lessons from home and don’t go to classes in between so have no pole friends to confide in xx
Lots of ppl do lessons only at home, I myself am one of those and I totally get how lonely it can feel. It’s very common for females to be more sensitive at different times in their menstrual cycle. Pain tolerance can very because of this. Over thinking is a big issue I see with all dancers. We can talk ourselves into feeling more pain of we focus on that. Messing around trying to freestyle to your fav music can help. Moves come and go for everyone, being ok with moving on to what IS working for us that day is helpful. Also we all have bad days. 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you â¤ï¸ I definitely think I’m pressuring myself to not feel pain and focusing on that than actually the sit itself. I’m so soft hearted and am full of self doubt however that was the reason I started this in the first instance. I often look at myself in the mirror and think I look like a hotdog on a skewer 😅 other times I’m really pleased with how things are going. I won’t give up tomorrow I’m going to let loose and enjoy myself and see where that takes me 😃
Please let me know how it goes for you tomorrow 💜💜💜
I absolutely will â¤ï¸
Much much better session today. I had a couple of mini successes such as climbing and regripping and climbing higher. I tried a couple of times to make sure it was a fluke 🤣 I didn’t overthink the pole sits and did a few when I felt it was right and felt it was so much less painful. My arms are so much stronger and I don’t give myself enough credit given I couldn’t even lift a toe of the ground with pole holds a few weeks back. â¤ï¸ðŸ’ªðŸ» I’ve been keeping videos to track my progress and looked back on some and appreciate how far I’ve come xx
That sounds like great progress!
Great lesson, Veena! I’m rickety right not but I know I won’t always be! LOL Super excited to be developing this body strength because I’ve never really had it! <3
And Ashleigh, just keep coming back, Sweetheart. You’re here and you’re making the effort. That’s all that matters! Give yourself credit <3 <3 <3 Oftentimes other people can see our progress before we can.
day 8 ✅
Warm weather is returning and it’s getting easier to stick, yay! I can’t let go with the outer hand, but I can hold the side sit with two hands.
Yay!! Do you think it’s a need for more tackiness behind the knee or placement of the leg to hold side sit better?
I was nice and sticky today, so I think it’s leg placement, rotating it correctly as I let my bum drop down.
Ok, Let me know if you have questions or want me to take a look. 🙂
Thanks, Veena <3 I am regaining strength after frozen shoulder recovery. Cleared to do everything again! The level programs are a great way to structure my days!
When I tried the pole holds, my hands slipped. I also just had trouble lifting my legs
If they slip from sweat try using an antiperspirant for the hands. If they’re not Sweaty or dry then it’s just a matter of building grip strength. Which we work on in all levels.
I was able to do it liquid chalk and cleaning my pole with alcohol. But I had to put the liquid chalk on and then wash my hands and put it on again. I was able to do the pole side sits (5 on each side) but not without lots of grunting.
For the “easy” up, I was only able to get my knees up a few inches.
I’ve heard good things about Carpe lotion and Gamer Goo. They prevent sweat so it lasts longer than liquid chalk. Liquid chalk is a better solution for lifting weights cuz it doesn’t last very long.
That’s actually awesome for the easy up!
Oh I didn’t realize that. Thank you!
I looked up the Carpe lotion and the Gamer goo. I don’t think my hands get sweaty. Just greasy. Is there anything for that?
If they feel greasy, wash them with soap before dancing. Make sure you don’t touch your hair or face. Also aviod greasy lotions. Deodorant can cause a greasy feel on the pole too.
Whew! That was a workout ta-DAY, okay?! 🤣 My arms are definitely weaker than my legs….And you know what I found interesting, was that I was able to do the advanced pole sitter better than the beginner pole sit. I dunno why! I had so much trouble with the beginner one. I like, couldn’t get my leg right. It kept feeling like I was gonna spin backward (my pole was on static). I can also only do the first Easy Up at this point, but I’m really grateful that I can even do that. Thanks, Veena!
Managed the side sit – not yet regained my baseline strenght but at least legs came up . Found easy up very difficult . I think my upper body strenght is not adequate for that yet as its 100 percent upper body . You arrest supposed to use your legs at all. I managed a variation called the ‘ 2cm horizontal padded knee drag ‘ LOL .Anyway as they say in the military – Damn the torpedos – full speed ahead ‘ so I am trucking on
It’s OK to use the padded knee drag for now 🥰 That’s great you did the side sit tho!!
Thanks ðŸ™
Got to just keep building that strength and being patient with the process .
Hi Veena! Your program is amazing. I practiced pole three years ago but i moved to UK and i had to focus on other things. I am starting again and i am learning a lot with you (in just a week!).
It is very very cold here in Scotland and i find it very difficult to wear shorts and touch the freezing pole. Do you have some tips for this? maybe one of those pole wraps?
That’s great news! As far as Cold poles, yes a wrap would help, but know that static spins are not possible at all. You could also try steaming the pole to warm it. They have pole warmers as well and they do work but depending on how cold the room is it may not stay warm long.
Thank you!!
all done!
I took three days off to rest and came back to do today and also run through the things we’ve been learning so far- and I found I could do pole sits!! Previously I could not do them at all let alone even imagine letting go with my arm but I found it almost easy today? Releasing the arm too! Just shows what a rest can do for you. The body is so intelligent and keeps learning after practice I think :).
I also found the first variation and advanced (or third) variation of easy ups quickly attainable but struggled with the second variation which was the bicep and elbow easy up. I wonder why, but I guess I’m engaging the wrong muscles somehow.
Anyway great lessons and I really enjoyed them! You are a great teacher x
That’s great news! Yeah, sometime we just need a little time to process things and they click. Thank you for the complement.
I wonder if you have a video that runs through all the beginner moves we are learning in succession so I can practice them all at once during a workout? Maybe at the end of level one, a workout video that incorporates all of level one’s moves on both sides 🙂 🙂 that would be so fun to practice a couple times a week!
I don’t, but let me think on that, not sure how I would implement it into this program. Would it be neat to have a little routine at the end using most of what you learned?
I do have some routine here The beginner level stuff is all at towards the top of that section. I recommend these two and
Yes that would definitely be neat! I would love it and thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of your beginner routine with the static pole and the dragon fruit one- can’t wait to check them out 🙂
You’re welcome!
Is there no longer a way to access every move on an individual video? I looked in the “gallery” but I don’t see anything.
I’m not sure I understand the question.
If you look below the main video you’ll see the individual videos. If you’re wanting to see all beginner trick videos go to the beginner tutorial
Does that answer your question?
Yes it does thank you. After I replied I found it so I just didn’t look hard enough I guess lol.
Ok good 👍