Day 16 Shoulder Mount

Today is all about pole work and shoulder mount practice. No warm up is needed, the exercise will serve at your warm up for this session. When working on your Shoulder mount today use drill option 2 as shown in the Technique options.
Rear pulls 3 sets, 8-12 reps
Fan legs 4 times, each side
Tuck spin 2-4 times, each side
Shoulder stand pike Hold for up to 30 seconds
Shoulder clock stretch Move through this stretch slowly
Lying v straddle Use resistance stretching doing this 3-10 times
Hello Veena I like how you break it down for the shoulder mount practice, I’m still trying to do my shoulder mount from the floor for right now I want to improve it , I will continue till I get it takes time.
Happy you find it helpful!!
Hi Veena, does the 3 sets also include the shoulder mount practice e.g. 3 sets of 10 on each side?
Yes….however, that’s just the high end of the suggested number.
Noted! Thanks, @Veena!
oof. Going slow and steady today. Seeing some improvement, but not quite ready for standing ones
There’s no rush 🙂