Day 1 Level 3

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Let’s get right to it! Warm up today with the Performance ready warm up.

Move on to Pole sit practice and I want you to try changing which hip you tip and try different leg positions as well. Don’t forget to record your first attempts so you can look back at the end. Give your pole sit at least 5 attempts but no more than 10.

After pole sit practice it’s time for spin practice. Start with the Fireman spin, Flirty fireman spin, Knees spin, Ankle attitude spin. Give each spin 3 tries using both sides, so 3 to the left and 3 to the right. Don’t do more than 10! You’ll be learning static spin combos a bit later.

Finish with stretches for the forearms. Hold the stretches for at least 30 seconds.


  1. Pole fell down on me on the last day of the level 2 practice, luckily no one/cats were hurt. Decided it was an opportunity to upgrade to a new pole and mount it. After two weeks it was installed yesterday. Super excited to start level 3 and these spins!

  2. Moved up to the xpert xpole. Much better quality, really the difference is amazing. I think my last one was one from Amazon, something cheap and simple to see if I would stick to it.

  3. I’ve not seen the amazon ones in person but they look like the original xpoles that use to screw together. They were fine, but you always had to tighten them if you spun on static in the opposite direction of the threads lol I love my xpert pro and mount!

  4. Just finished level 2 and excited to start level 3! I’ve been keeping a log of my progress and that’s been really helpful, but I’m going to start making an effort to record my attempts now.

  5. I am currently working with this program to review basics (slightly modified because I also do spinning and I’m intermediate) and to question and reorganize my way and structure of training. I noticed that although I often trained basics and they became more beautiful, I always did the training with too much ambition. Not only did I practice way too many tricks in one workout, but I also fell into a trap regarding the spinning pole. I always took way too much swing there and afterwards I always wondered why I felt a pulling in my shoulders. I have now learned with Beginner Level 1 and 2 that I can do more with less, whether it is the swing in spinning or the number of tricks in training. The solution was to strictly follow the programs and make sure I didn’t swing too much on the spinning pole. With too much swing I had less strength and control and this resulted in my shoulder pain.

    Finally, I want to say thank you Veena for the great tips and tutorials. You have opened my eyes once again! 💜💜

  6. Yessss this looks great. Can’t wait till I’m back near my pole to begin. Just a. Question Veena, aside from the workout/warm up- is it ok if I do all of this in heels from the get go? Or should I practice first in bare feet? Thanks

    1. My general rule is if you’re learning a new trick start with bare feet, but if you’re just working on transitions or things like that, and you feel comfortable and heels, go ahead and wear your heels!

  7. Back at it after a 2 week break. I have been working on the beginner level 2 choreo and it’s been coming along nicely.

    This training was a little blah for me not because of the training content but because I just felt blah working out. Learning to improve each move.

    Glad I started. Next is day 2 🙂