FREE Beginner Pole Hold Grips

In this video I’ll demonstrate the strength building, fundamental Pole Hold Grip. There is no need to try this move yet if you’re new to pole dance, this is a demo. Once you do start working with this grip you might find this hold is easier or more difficult than the Side pole hold, don’t worry, it’s normal either way.
Understand that there’s away to use the pole hold for strength building exercise and for transitioning into tricks. Here’s a link for the full Pole hold tutorial for all levels.
Physiologically, what might it mean if I have a much easier time holding myself with straight arms above than with bent arms around face height? Would that mean my back muscles are better conditioned than my biceps/core?
When the arms are extended you’re relying on the larger muscles of the back to hold you, this is easier for most unless they are heavy for their size and have poor hand strength. Lats and traps are much bigger than biceps. Holding with bend arms requires the biceps to do more of the work.