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This is not the twisted version of the Ballerina. For this trick the back of the arm pit is against the pole and you’re bringing opposite hand to foot keeping the hips squared. This means the same arm and same leg are gripping the pole. I’ll cover different variations and spinning pole as well!

You may find one of the Ballerina’s easier than the other so work on whichever is most comfortable for you at first. If you’d like a week long plan to follow to improve on your ballerina poses check out my VIP plan for Ballerina.

Fancy crucifix

Camel stretch

Shoulder clock stretch

Reverse shoulder stretch

Shoulder and upper back stretch



  1. This one has been a challenge for me! I can get into it, although I am goaling for more flexibility while doing the hold. Can you please give me feedback on how to gain more flexibility to get more comfortable while in this hold? Thank you❤!!

  2. If you look at the little lesson thumbnails below the main lesson. Those have moves, exercises and stretches you can do to improve this trick. These are not random “you might also like” videos 😁