Side Or Front Splits Routine

This is a 25 minute, side splits, left and right routine. Beginners should perform splits training 1 time per week. After 2 weeks or more, move on to 2 times per week. Training for splits daily without rest can lead to sore muscles and loss of flexibility. Give your body rest.
I always finish this with a center split too. Like it and I liked the variation of ways to stretch on the pole. Can’t wait to try that.
Thank you. The middle splits routine is coming next week. 🙂
Wow this is incredible! I am so motivated to try it. I just watched a lil bit of it to see what it was like. You are such a great teacher!!
Thank you!!! I tried this tonight and loved the stretches. I found the ways you incorporated the pole and foam roller extremely helpful. Loved the foam roller split! Thank you as always for providing these high quality lessons! <3
You rock Veena!!
HOLY CRAP VEENA!! You are SO flexy!! I’m so jealous! But hopefully once I get a foam roller I can start on myofascial release to help my tight (and knotted 🙁 ) hamstrings. I’m looking forward to following this video!!
Thanks guys!! xoxo Misskitty…the foam roller has helped my hamstrings so much!
MissKitty83 I want it to say the same …. OMG Veena !!! Tomorrow I’m going to buy a foam roller. 😀 By the way you look nice in this dark hair.
Awesome tutorial as usual, I will use this routine soon and work on squaring my hips. One side is always tighter than the other.
Thanks MissMagi
Mari, I have a side like that ;/ Last yr I could not even do a split with hips squared. When I dance I still split with hips turned tho, I think it looks nicer. I only worry about squaring them when I do flexibility training. I hope this routine helps you all 🙂
Im gonna start tonight! Thanks Veena 😉
I’m not able to load the video right now, but was wondering, what size foam roller do you use?
Holly, You can use whatever size you want. If your going to travel with it try a shorter one, if your wanted to roll 2 legs at once then try a longer one. Here is a video about the foam rolling lessons…. There is also a link in the video description for the roller I’m using 🙂
Is it better to have a squared hip side split or an open hip side split? Is it more of a personal preference or is one better on the knees…?
Either one is fine… But if your goal is to increase your overall flexibility then squared hips will give you the best stretch. I use open for performing and squared when training 🙂
Hi Veena, two questions. How often is it safe to do the splits routine? I have trouble keeping my hips square. They seem to want to turn or lean to one side – suggestions?
If your new to flexiblity training start with once a week. After a month you can try 2 times per week if you like. To keep the hips squared be sure your working on the individual stretching lessons for hip flexors and quads. The individual lessons will give you in depth info on proper form 🙂
Love this routine!! I had a hard time, getting my legs to be more flexible, this really improves! Feels like I might actually do the spilts one day. Thank Veena! <3
Thank you!!
Thanks for this! The splits are one of my goals this year!
Good, hope you find this helpful 🙂
Hi Veena, are there any stretches you would recommend after the split stretches??
If you wanted to go do some stretches listed in the stretching section after this that would be fine too. All of the muscle groups used in a lesson are listed in the description. So if you would like to continue stretching say, for example, the hamstrings and hip flexors, you could. Also feel free to hold each of these stretches longer if you like…it’s good to mix it up.
I just tried this routine today-I love the foam roller under the front leg! It makes it so much more tolerable for me. I’ve tried front splits a couple of times before, but I just didn’t see how I could possibly make any progress…now I feel there’s hope, and I’ll start alternating between this and center splits. Thx!
Glad you liked it!! I’m working on a back mobility routine right at this moment :)?
V where should I get a foam roller?
OMG this video is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the countdown and the “wrong” video 🙂
If you want to save money try Target or maybe Wal-Mart 🙂
V, at 21:24 that’s where my lower back starts hurting, I feel it more in my lower back than my legs. What am I doing wrong?!
Ok sounds, like your rounding your lower back too much. If you’re hamstrings are tight you might compansate by rounding the back to get your leg up. Try it with your leg much lower and see how it feels, keep the spine long 🙂
Ok 🙂 I’ll try that tonight then!! 🙂
i just received my foam roller yesterday and I was so psyched to try this, After coming off of injury, this is just what I need to get my groove and flexibility back. Great stretch! thanks:)
Veena when I do the lying leg grab on my rght side I get a searing hot burning feeling behind my knee, it actually burns red hot! Do you know what it is? It happens 9/10 but never on my left side. Any ideas? Thanks! Great lesson I love it!
Did you ever injure yourself there? Have you tried not pulling so hard/far? If lessening the intensity doesn’t help I would see a dr.
I cant pull my legs much further than vertical anyway (not as flexi as I thought I was!) so if I dont pull Im not guna get a stretch, but if I push through the pain seems to lessen somewhat but obviously I dont wanna do that if its damaging long term. I did have a knee injury when I was younger and played football (soccer) used to have fluid drained from it regularly think it was ligaments? But!! I thought that was my left knee but now im not so sure I was only about 8 so cant really remember! I will check and might just ask my doctor just in case! Thanks for your reply =D
Yeah, check with your dr. Also not every stretch is right for everyone, so you can always change it out for a stretch that works the same muscle group that does work for you. Remember the Muscle groups used are listed in the descriptions and they are also grouped together. 🙂
I think will do that until I get an all clea from my Dr! Thanks veena
Veena, if my front knee is facing upwards and back knee is facing downwards, my splits is already considered squared? 🙂
I’m kinda worry
It’s your hips that determine if your split are squared. For a Squared Splits both hips should face forward. Why are you worried?
Erm, how to tune my hips so that it is squared huh? :/ having problem with this. Ehe
Start with both hips forward like shown in some of the previous lessons. Then move into the splits from there.
Okay, will try. Can I do both front splits and middle splits routine at the same time?
yes 🙂 If you haven’t worked on the individual lessons yet, I suggest doing those for a few days before using the routines.
phew! awesome routine but yikes, are my hamstrings ever tight. Definitely one of my New Year’s pole goals! 🙂
This is awesome, lots of stretches that are new to me for splits training 🙂 Felt a difference in my left split 🙂
Veena did you find your pelvis complained after having your babies? I have a 5,3 and 2 yr old so popped them out quick with not time in between. I have always been flexible and always been able to do the splits until now. My sacro iliac joint complains, I’ve had some physio and he said to continue with flexibility training. I’m frustrated with how tight I have become!
No I never had an issue after kids. I bet with time it will improve though!
This is the best side splits warm up I’ve ever done. Really helps warming up the hamstrings and hip flexors before going into splits. Wondering why my instructors never taught us this!
Thank you Tracey!
Hey Veena! I’m just starting these stretches, and I’m just curious- what is the difference between your lunge stretches and the ones done against the pole? (For Hip flexors, mainly)The position seems the same, just turned so you can use the pole.
I’m not sure I understand. Can you describe the stretched (lunge) done against the pole? Is that one in this video or somewhere else?
Well, the first example of the first one, in the Lunge, is at 9:20, and you demonstrate pressing forward from the hip and elongating the back leg as much as possible.
The second, which I am SURE must be different but I can’t figure out why, is at 18:45, and you are elongating the leg up the pole, with the other leg resting on the floor, torso supported by hands on the floor.
I’m mainly curious as to how they are stretching different areas, and if they aren’t, why we would stretch similar areas in different ways?
I’m sort of new to the ways of stretching 😉
I see which ones you’re talking about! The last one using the pole does stretch the same muscle group as the first floor lunge, but also allows you to work on your spinal flexibility as well. And you can use the floor to aid in pushing deeper into the stretch. That stretch will help prepare you for moves like the ballerina 🙂
This was great, Veena! I felt like I got closer to a full split after completing this routine, and the addition of the foam roller helped so much.
Just did Aletheas Splits for Pole followed by your routine, and I managed my first oversplit on my good side and first flat split on the other since a hamstring/glute injury. Thanks so much for this! 🙂
Happy dance! I’m closer to getting my splits than I ever dreamed! Now just resting on the roller! ;0))
Brilliant. I love using my new foam roller I never new a foam roller could be so helpful with stretching!!. Great lesson Veena 😉
You know what I love about this site? I’m just scrolling down through these comments and see all these answered questions. People ask questions and V and Webby answer them almost immediately. And because they’re both professionals, you KNOW the answers you’re getting are the best that’s out there. I love this site so much!!!
Is it normal to have a bit of muscle ache after stretching for splits?
Yes 🙂 however if you’re super stiff the next day you may have stretched too far.
Hey Veena would you recommend getting a deep massage on the hamstrings and hipflexors by a qualified therapist? My flexibility progress has slowed down and I already use a foam roller but don’t feel like it really gets in there enough, things feel very knotted up in my legs! Thinking a massage every now and then might complement my flexibility training?
Yes, massage can help! You could also look into a roller with ridges or bumps like the rumble roller, tennis balls also work well!
I find my pike/hamstring is the one that is limiting me the most. So I tried to split over the edge of a long bench so that my lower limb can dangle over the edge and slowly shift myself backwards. It seems to work ok for me. 🙂
I understand splits training require rest in between days because muscles need to recover. I thought that side split and centre split stretches different muscle groups, so if I perform side split training twice a week and centre split twice a week on a different occasion, would that be ok?
If you have just started stretching then no, stay with side and center once a week. If you have been training for a long time then you could train that often. I don’t train my splits that often; more is not alway better!! Quality is important and stretching gently is one thing but flexibility training to gain should not be over done.
I noticed in your notes middle split about training for centre and front split on the same day, but because I don’t always have that big a block of time, I thought to train on different days.
I take more time to just gently stretch, so by the time I finished with side or middle split, I possibly already cooled down.
Veena, could you please explain what you mean by leading with the chest and not the head. Do you mean to focus on stretching down then forward, rather than forward than down?
The chest literally moves towards the legs first! If you lead with the head often people round the low back placing strain on the lower vertebrae.